Thursday, September 17, 2009

Instant Cash Sweepstakes - FAST payer

Have you joined Instant Cash Sweepstakes yet? If not, it's a fun site. Every few hours you can answer 5 fun short survey questions (multiple choice answers to choose from) and earn lottery tickets for a sweepstakes and coins for bonus prizes. In addition, you can randomly win cash. Once you are "vested" at $2 in earnings, you can cashout for paypal. Unfortunately paypal takes a fee, which really stinks, but what can you do? Anyway, the site promises to pay in 72 hours, but on the two occasions I've cashed out, I've been paid in less than 24 hours. Very impressive! And, when you refer friends, when your friends win cash, you win too! I had quit answering the questions for a while, but since they added the new bonus prizes with the coins, at least I feel like I'm working toward something guaranteed instead of just the luck of the draw.

If you want to check it out, here's the link

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